Grace, Obedience & Love - The Fantastic Four!
Grace, Obedience & Love - The Fantastic Four!
#1. God's Amazing Grace
Throughout this blog and my Christian forum at , you'll find much on this very topic: God's Amazing Grace. What a glorious topic! What a glorious Truth! Freedom... Assurance... The reality of just how powerfully final Jesus' work on the cross in sacrifice for our sins and His glorious victory over death in His resurrection, that we may have life! Nothing will ever top this, my friends. Nothing. If ever a day goes by and this doesn't absolutely humble you, then if I were you, I'd check on my condition! Amen!
There are some people that just can't bring themselves to rest in these Truth's of God's Grace for one reason or a multitude of others. Many are good people that have truly been born again and are after God's own heart! But as I was one of those for 12 years, I know there is only a certain point to which you can advance when seeking the things of God, because eventually you get to the place that stops you dead in your tracks on your spiritual journey... the place of "your own abilities" to keep what God has already given you...
To these people, my heart goes out to them. Not in pity, but of yearning. I yearn for them to go "where no man/woman has gone before". I yearn for them to realize that it's all about what Jesus did for us, and it has NOTHING to do with our own abilities in relation to ANY salvational issue! This knowledge truly "sets you free" to simply "be all you can be", WHATEVER that is!
To these people, these friends of mine, all I can say is, "Give it it's due day in court, and try the case in it's entirety." For I can understand not realizing the Truth if you've never heard it, but to "reject" it, that's another story...
On the other hand, I have come to know a "few" people that have grasped the reality of the Truth's of God's Grace. They have embraced the freedom and assurance that their salvation is really eternal... But to the world, they are a witness of just how "worldly" a Christian can be! Why is that ??? Because although they have understood a great Truth, they have more or less stopped right there, thinking there isn't much left to know... To these people I say, "You couldn't be more wrong..."
You see my friends, even though God's Gift to you is truly eternal, there is much left for you to do, much growth in Christ to be had. There is a great WITNESS within you to be given to the rest of this hurting and dying world! There are many trials to be OVERCAME, and Jesus is the Way of it All! Don't stop at first base or the first leg of the race! Press on! Press on! PRESS ON! And what I'm about to speak of here, hopefully, will be a catalyst to begin, or maybe even re-kindle, the fire that is within many of you!
#2. Obedience To God
With all this excitement over freedom and eternal assurance of our salvation, is there a place left for "obedience" to God? Is there such a thing? Is it even necessary? The answers may surprise you.
Obedience, in the Word of God, has a wonderful history. Despite those that want to "knit-pick" doctrine, there was NEVER a time in the Old Testament that God did not require "obedience". To Adam? It was "Thou Shalt Not Eat Of This Fruit"! And what did he do? Well, as Paul Harvey used to say all the time, "I think you know the rest of that story".
To the Jews, Moses delivered the very Law of God unto God's "chosen" people. Here-in was the "road map to eternal life", as many politicians would phrase it today... Here was God's commands to His "chosen", and all they had to do was "stick to the rules", and all would be right in heaven and earth. But was it really? We really know the rest of that story too, don't we my friends?
God's "chosen" people were no more able to keep the Law than a dog is able to meow. It just wasn't their "nature". So what's going on here? Did all this catch God by surprise? Did He think they were going to be able to "save themselves" simply by adhering to His Law? Why did they have to revert to "the sacrifice of bulls, goats, etc.", just to "cover" their sins for a year? Why did Adam and Eve have to be "covered" by God Himself after their disobedience?
Obedience - The Master
Here's a beautiful part. At this point in time, God took the time, to show us just how helpless our condition was and is. Did any of this really catch Him by surprise? Of course not. He knew all this before the foundation of the world was made... And it was confirmed through Adam, and it is re-confirmed through each and every one of us. Yes. God knew.
But to these people, "obedience" was their "master". Everything hinged on their ability to "keep the law". Their very salvation hung in the balance of their ability to do right instead of wrong. To "obey", instead of "dis-obey"...
So, what did we, as Christians, do with this wonderful lesson? Be humbled? Yes... maybe to a point... Realize that our own efforts are futile? Also, yes... to a point... But there is a great tragedy that has run rampant within the "church" (body of believers) that has existed since the days of The Apostle Paul... And it's name has been "ERROR"!
Today, despite the powerful and complete work of Christ toward us as born again believers, we continue in this Old Testament understanding of obedience. Instead of "Christ" being our "salvation", we have "watered down" His Work toward us by "mixing" it with our own abilities. "Obedience" continues to be in control of our salvation!
In the most clarifying way possible, it can be said that we have reduced the Blood of Christ to that of "bulls and goats"... Now days, it's a matter of Christ dying on His cross, AND our abilities to keep God's Law! We think, every time we do wrongly, we must "re-seek" the sacrifice that will save us... Just like "God's Chosen People" of the Old Testament... And because of this, we can't even begin to tap into the power of "Resurrection Living", because we can't get past the Sacrifice!
Please...please...please do not mis-understand me. I am NOT trying to demean anyone for their understanding if it differs from what's being presented here! I am well aware that there are MANY good-hearted people that are earnestly and diligently seeking the heart of God! They LOVE God! I know they do! I AM NOT implying anyone is simple-minded, or that they do not read and study their Bible! I was one of these people for twelve years of my life, reading my Bible everyday, praying and seeking God... I always knew I was missing something, but I couldn't quite put my finger on the harsh reality above... I was saved... As I know many without this understanding in their hearts are saved... But I wasn't free. And neither are they. THAT is what I am addressing here...
So, if this Old Testament understanding of obedience does not exist today, then what does? I mean Jesus Himself said that those who love Him will keep His commands, didn't He?
Obedience - The "Teacher"
Here is where I dropped the ball for such a very long time, and I think many others are doing the exact same thing. By trying to "mix" Law and Grace (Galationism), we totally miss out on this beautiful transformation concerning obedience!
After Christ sacrificed Himself and made the complete sacrifice required for our sin, AND after His Resurrection work was complete, something new came to us that will awe us forever more... The power NOT to live in sin and seeking and re-seeking that which He has already given us as born-again followers of Christ (forgiveness), BUT the ability to LIVE in Resurrection Power through The Holy Spirit! This "transforms" EVERYTHING! When you see the icons/signs today that says "All Things Are Made New In Jesus", trust me, it's TRUE! And this includes you, and everything about you. Your "heart", your "desires", your purpose, your character, virtually everything about you... Including how and why you will "obey" God... or in other words, your "obedience" toward God..
What's this "transformation" all about? Let's take a look at just a few of the differences!
Obedience, "The Master", would have you look at "God's Instruction" and say, "Well, That's it! Here's what It says, so no need in going any further! God says don't do this and to do this instead. That's all I need to know. It's as simple as that." And many of us stop right there, only to realize that it is impossible to be "perfect"... Now, my friends, we SHOULD realize we are not perfect, for God went to a lot of trouble to teach us that very lesson... But the "enemy" (satan) , stands as our "accuser". he would have you think, "Ohhh! You've messed up again! Can't you see it's pointless! Stop right where you are and BEG your forgiveness again! You can't go on and do ANYTHING until you're sure you're 'RIGHT WITH GOD'!" And he (the enemy), gets away with this over & over & over & over & over & over! The enemy desires to strip you of your "learning" the Truth!
When the curtain tore in the temple after Christ died, God told us that we could now come BOLDLY to The Throne! Now could we do that if we had sin upon us? Why heavens no! So guess what? JESUS TOOK IT AWAY! HE TOOK IT AWAY! GONE is the sin that destroyed us and separated us from God! Thank YOU, My Precious Jesus! Amen & Amen!
The reality now, concerning obedience, is it (obedience) is no longer our master. We are no longer "shackled & bound" by a "yoke" that is too heavy for us to bear! But instead, the chains have been broken... The yoke "DESTROYED"! Jesus tells us ALL to "Come to Him", for "His burden is LIGHT"! Now, by the Almighty Power Of Jesus Christ, obedience is our "Teacher"!
Now just think about that for a minute. Don't it make sense? The issue of your "salvation", as a born-again" believer, has been "SETTLED"! Now instead of "seeking and re-seeking" your forgiveness, you can... MOVE ON! Yes! MOVE ON! Forever grateful! Forever humbled! Forever... RELIEVED and SURE in "Who You Are In Christ" ! My God... what an awesome realization! This IS true "Freedom". CHRIST is "Freedom"! "CHRIST IN US" is "Freedom"! It has nothing to do with us! It's all about Christ! All of hell has came against Him and could not shake Him! What makes us think WE can?
Now answer this question: Doesn't that make you love Him More?
Now for this new understanding (if it is "new" to you) of obedience is to be of any benefit to you, there needs to be a few things realized that enables the "teacher" to be effective and become dominant/manifest in your new life in Christ.
I suppose the first message Obedience would have for you is, "I am here to teach you, not GOVERN you. Christ, through The Holy Spirit, will now govern you." It is VITAL that we, as the body of Christ understand this. In order to be taught something, we must realize we need to... "LEARN". To learn means to "gain understanding". To gain understanding we must ask... "Why, oh Lord?" THIS is seeking the "Heart of God". THIS is "knowing" God, not knowing "about" God... We ask the questions... We seek with a sincere heart... We don't rest until we know... And the Holy Spirit will give! I can PROMISE you (and that's something I very rarely do), He will give. He will not be insulted.
We don't question the authority of God, even when we do not understand what has happened, or what is happening... We don't question whether or not He is in control... We don't question whether or not it was right or wrong... if it could/should have been done differently... But we can ask the "whys & what's" in a search for knowledge and wisdom. And in this He will smile... He will be pleased that you are spending time with Him... By the way, anytime you do this, with either eyes open while at work, or closed in the closet, this is prayer... It is in this way we start to "dig below the surface" in God's Word and what He really has for us.
The second thing I might guess Obedience would have for you is, "Pay close attention, for through me, the consequences of your every emotion, thought and action will be governed."
God wants us to obey Him. To this there is little dispute. We might as well start right here. Do we stop with that simple instruction? Or do we ask why? Allow me...
Why should we obey God? Well the ones that first come to mind is that which concerns the flesh. Since the beginning, God laid out what would bring about His testimony in your life, and that which will bring about calamity, which is nothing more than the enemy's testimony (calamity) in your life. God's instruction, or I should say, obeying God's Instruction will bring about God's testimony in your life. Not necessarily wealth, fame, prosperity or any of those other things we commonly think of as blessing (although I wouldn't rule any of them out either), but "God's Testimony" in your life... It could be the life of a pauper, in which the pauper him/her self is perfectly content in doing whatever God would have them do with their lives... You could be a super-evangelist... a Fireman... nurse... or a workman at Burger King... or absolutely anything else that the Holy Spirit allows... And I gotta tell ya. With the love of God in your heart, God looks at none of these any differently than the other... All are the same to Him. We're all here just to do our part, whatever that is.
How can we "sum up" obedience in a simple definition that everyone can understand? It is NOT simply doing things this way or that... Quite the contrary:
Obedience is a "reflection" of your spiritual condition! The early church understood this through Paul's diligent efforts to express this very thing. But it has been "misconstrued" through the ages. Many people, even whole religions today have centered their doctrines around this "one" thing, and therefore made it their "object of faith", which should be reserved for Jesus, alone! What a HORRIBLE mistake! "If" your "motivation" is the very "Grace of God", then obedience should be nothing more than an expression of your spiritual state, or in other words, your "relationship" (love) with/for God, depending of course on your ability to discern EXACTLY who Christ is and what He has done for you, so your "OBJECT OF FAITH" is the same Jesus that the Bible speaks of! Obeying God is now done because you "WANT" to! And in this, you will do, feel and be the person God wants you to become! Amen!
The "OBJECT OF YOUR FAITH" is of the utmost importance when trying to understand obedience, as it is important in trying to understand all things spiritual. You see, there are many different jesuses out there today according to man. To some? You can't be saved unless you've been "baptized". Therefore, jesus is baptism to them. To others, "works" is what gets you to heaven. Therefore "works" is jesus to them... I could go on & on, but I think you get the point. Correctly discerning just exactly who "Jesus" really is determines whether or not the "REAL JESUS" is the "OBJECT OF YOUR FAITH"!
So... Who is the "REAL JESUS?"
In summation toward obedience, it can be a most beautiful thing in the life of the born-again child of God... Or it can be outwardly imitated by the lost... Or it can be outwardly done by the believer, for all the WRONG reasons...
When a born-again believer is being obedient for the "right" reasons, in response to the Holy Spirit, and toward the "CORRECT" object of faith (the REAL Jesus), you will be witness to the most beautiful things on earth... And not only that, you will be able to "appreciate" what you witness, in the Fullness of God's Spirit...
Just for an example, my wife was "led" to ask about a certain family that had lost their Father this past year. She inquired as to where they lived so we could go by and "give" a little something that might brighten their Christmas...
We immediately found out these people had went to Texas for the holidays, and that they were really not lacking anything materially. So... My wife asked the person we were talking with if she knew of anyone else that could use some help this Christmas season...
Well, well... God is So GOOD! This woman's sister has two children in school. During one of her regular meetings at school, she had learned her youngest daughter had promised a child there a "present" for Christmas. The name of this little girl that promised the present is Lindsey. She has such a heart for others, and the little girl she promised the present to is a girl in her 5th grade class. She is dirty all the time... Kinda never combs her hair... Materially, her whole family is very poor.
Becky, Lindsey's Mom, was inquiring of the teacher as to the where-abouts of the family and how she could speak with the mother, who had never shown up at school for any kind of meeting. The teacher was telling Becky of the great need of the family and there was more than one child. Becky knew she could not get this one girl something without getting them all something to be under the tree.
As Becky and the teacher were talking, the Mother of the family entered the classroom, for the first time ever, and the teacher surprisingly told Becky, "There she is. Right behind you." - a miracle in itself...
Becky began to talk to the Mother and found out there were seven children all together. There was no Father... So, Becky obtained the ages of the children and their clothing sizes. To make a long story short, she went to Wally World and got about sixty gifts for them... clothes, coats, a VCR (which they had never had) and a couple of kiddy tapes for them to watch... She put this on her credit card because she could not afford them, and had no idea how she would pay for them...
So, after learning of this, there was no doubt to Gwen and I that this was a God-Send. I went out and bought a turkey for them, enough potato chips to go around, a couple loaves of bread, and four twelve packs of pop... I then took them to Becky for her to give the family, and Gwen and I gave what cash we were intending to Becky simply to help her pay her credit card bill...
The next day (the day before Christmas Eve), as we were sitting at the breakfast table with some family we hadn't seen in a year, Ann (my choir director AND my cousin), called to tell us of what Becky had seen when her and Lindsey delivered the stuff... We put it on speaker phone for all to hear, as some of the family we were with are not born again and I knew it would be a wonderful witness to them...
Ann proceeded to tell us that when Becky walked into the house of this woman, there were all the kids... As they seen the groceries, they hollered out, "Potato Chips! POP! Look! How Much!" Becky seen a very old, ragged Christmas Tree there, decorated with very old ornaments... And there wasn't one present under the tree...
But now there are sixty presents under that Tree... And enough food for all of them - twice.
Now why is that? Do WE get the credit? Not hardly. It was all born of a 5 year olds promise to get a gift - and God honoring that sweet little heart by simply telling a few others what to do - and THEM being "obedient"... Our part? My wife listened to a still, small voice that said, "Give." And then, simply, "Make a call." All went according to the Will of God...
What a blessing and honor to be witness to such a simple thing that has made such a difference in the lives of a few. I KNOW it will be a testimony that family will never forget, because there was a time when it was done for me... And in reality, it was ALL God... through His instruction to His people and "obedience" by His people... Nothing more. All the Glory is God's Alone... And this is just a teeny example of what "obedience" brings about in a hurting and dying world... As teeny as a grain of sand on the sea-shore when trying to envelope the remarkable "works" of God through His people via "obedience"...
But there is something wonderful that "enables" this to "come to life" within the heart and very persona of the born again believer... Which brings us to #3 of the "Fantastic Four":
#3: "The Love Of Christ" - What is "Love"... Really?
Matthew 22:36-40, "Master, which is the great commandment in the law? Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets."
You know? I've heard a great many gifted people by God try to eclectically explain what this love of God is. Some say it's a "noun"... Something to aquire... Something we need to attain, that we might live in the fullness of God... With that I somewhat agree, I suppose...
Some say it's a "verb". An "action". Something we can command into action when needed, or it is an existing action within us all to be called upon when we recognize the need to be "Godly", instead of letting the "flesh" have its way... A kind of auspicious action one can supernaturally "conjure up" when needed... As for me? I can't hardly go there... as I think once you have this "love of Christ" within you, it doesn't have to be "called on"... It simply... "is". I do, however, recognize that gaining this understanding and possessing this "love" is a process... But one that should come about after recognition of the need, which will naturally cause one to "seek" the wonders of this "love" from God through a "spiritual quest"...
To me, there is a hammer in the scripture above. It just kinda slammed me in church three or four weeks ago... I sat there, in my chair, and had the most marvelous realization! And no one knew it but lil' ol' me... The hammer is:
When Jesus gave us the "two commandments" above, He was doing far more than giving us two laws we knew nothing of... He wasn't talking of two simple things... No! He was speaking of a way of life! Think about it! In those two statements He summed up our entire lives! He was trying to tell us, in totality, how to LIVE OUR ENTIRE LIVES, EVERY MINUTE, OF EVERY DAY!
Herein lay the hammer that can crack through the tough exterior of our understanding. It is not my intent to be iconoclast in any way, but it may be necessary to cast aside some of our mis-understanding to see this clearly. And even more, it will most definitely take the Holy Spirit within us to correctly interpret what I am saying, brothers and sisters of The Most High God! Saints! You "Called Out Ones!"...
Within this site, and in many other places, one can discover many different aspects concerning "God's Love". And what a blessing it is! But the missing component that brings it all together is that "Godly love is every moment of our lives! It IS our life!" Nothing about our lives can be "separate" from the love of God at any time when this becomes a part of us...
What do you consider your life to be now? Getting up and getting your husband/wife and kids off to work and school? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Getting up and going to work? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Listening to vile language by the lost while you encounter the world through the day? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Clean your house and prepare for the return of your spouse? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Having to stay up all night with a sick child, parent, spouse? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Trying to raise children that seem to show nothing more than hate toward you and rebellion? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Trying to figure out who to vote for? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Dealing with adultery? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Dealing with an abusive father, mom, spouse? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Dealing with unforgivingness in your own heart, even though you might have a GREAT EXCUSE for holding on to it? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Sitting in on jury duty concerning a murder case, and have just realized you've got to find this person "guilty"? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Is someone hurting you and you have to "get away", or "defend yourself"? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Trying to figure out if you should spend the money on "maintenance" for the vehicle your family rides in all the time? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Should you look for people in need so that you might be able to make a difference in their lives? Even if it's a small one? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Need to make some home repairs? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Has it been a long time since you've helped your wife do the dishes and actually "kissed" her with affection and caring? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
How long has it been since you and your spouse simply spent some quiet time together with maybe your arms around each other? How long since you said, "I love and appreciate you."? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
What is more important to you. Yourself? Or others? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Should you give? Or take? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Are we humble? Or arrogant? God's love should be there, encouraging you to do it the way God within you wants it done.
Dear brothers and sisters, are you starting to understand what I'm saying? There is not one breath during our lives that we should take and leave the love of God out of that breath...
To me, God's Love is not any one thing... But rather it is
"all things in the life of the born again believer."
What a wonderful gift to the individual and to the world!
What a saddening thing... To leave the love of God out of a breath... Worse yet... Two... What happens when we leave it out of an hour of life? Two? A day? Or two? A month? Maybe two? The answer? You lose something very special that could have happened in your life... and more times than not, someone else does too...
Well? Seems the only question to ask ones self is, "Do I have this 'love of God' within me?" If you do, then hopefully your mind has learned something to aid the Spirit, and you can fully understand what I'm trying to communicate here...
But... . ...
What if you don't have this "love of God" within you? How do you get it? I guess the first question to ask yourself is, "Do you really want it?" After all, if you don't "want" it, there's no use in looking for it... In which case, I pray the best for you, but most likely, you won't venture far into the things of God, and therefore I would think there would be a call within yourself to examine your "condition"!
Are you really "born-again?" Is the "jesus" you know the "Real Jesus?" Is "religion" only important to you as long as you can participate in it according to "YOUR RULES"? Some great questions... And these are questions we are ALL called on to look at from time to time. If I were you, I'd start there, for the only way you can truly gain this "love" of which I speak, is to be honest with yourself, with the aid of the Holy Spirit in realizing your true condition... that you never could really "deserve" anything given by God. Your best efforts are as filthy rags to God... But He is willing to give you the most incredible gift... And once you've accepted it, the "appreciation" alone of this great act/gift will birth something tremendous inside of you via the Holy Spirit... It will birth... "True, Godly Love" within your heart. I hope I have said enough here to at least "inspire" a quest within you, if of course, that is what's needed. I hope enough has been said to communicate "WHAT" I feel love is, and what I think all the scripture is pointing to in the "big picture"... But if you have questions? I'd be honored to elaborate... That brings us to #4 of the "Fantastic Four":
#4 "Your Godly Love For God"... is ... "Your Gift To God"!
For as long as I can remember in my walk with God (some 13 years), one question has always been on my mind... What does God get out of all this? What was His great purpose in all this great trouble, hurt and pain He has had to, and continues to endure? What in the world would make all this worth it to Him? Why would He love us so much? WHY?
I truly think, after all this time, and while writing this letter, He has given me an answer. I won't pretend to fully understand it yet... but it really is just a simple process of elimination... We don't have but one thing to give God really, in return for His patient kindness toward us...
"The only thing God has ever wanted from us
is our "love" for Him, and Him alone."
How so greatly mind-boggling, my dear friends. All God wants is to be... "loved"! It's just staggering... The same thing which all of us seek really, is to be loved... and in this, God is no different... He has endured so much pain, went to so much trouble... Given Himself in every way possible for us... has been unquestionably patient with us... has provided every way imaginable back to Him... just so He will be loved... My God... What a "treasure" love must be to Him!!! And isn't it funny... "Treasure" is a term He uses to describe us...
I'm absolutely stunned at this realization... No. Words fail to describe what I feel right now... My heart is open... I bleed freely... What gives me life is God alone... His very essence is truly what every planet spins on... Forget scientifics... Forget logic... My God is the very fabric of existence... And He "loves" us... Every one of us... He loves us...
I've often asked myself "why" He would love me so much. I look at my wife, and I know she loves me, and I her. We've been together for 24 years, so she is quite fed up with my "imperfections" (that's what we'll call them right now - LOL!), but she still loves me... I think God is much the same way. In a very small way, I think she is a "reflection" of God, toward me.
And that's all we can give God... Our Love... What an amazing thing to realize. What an amazing gift to be able to give... What an awesome work, done by God Himself, that would allow us such an honor and privilege.
In reality, there are many more "fantastic" things to learn of God. Many more. And I hope someone reading this will receive that which they need to continue in the life-long quest for Truth and knowledge... For it truly is a process and a quest... And how glorious it all is to behold...
It is my prayer you have been blessed! In Jesus' Precious Name... Amen...
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